Job Ad
The Green Party of Canada is hiring a Stewardship/Development Coordinator who will be responsible for results-based management of fundraising and stewardship activities. Responsibilities will include donor and member stewardship, donor and member solicitation, small call centre coordination, and some fundraising calling and administrative support.
Candidates should be able to demonstrate experience implementing fundraising projects or similar activities or experience working on a political campaign.
The successful candidate will be motivated to grow the Green Party of Canada by increasing its donor base and will have knowledge of member recruitment and maintenance.
Bilingualism, call centre experience, and strong writing skills in English and/or French are strong assets.
Job Description
Your responsibilities will be to manage and implement fundraising/stewardship programs including data coordination, call centre and member engagement.
You will support the Fundraising team through vendor contact, order fulfilment, and other activities as required.
This position will require some telephone contact including soliciting donations by phone and supportive administration duties.
The Green Party of Canada is an equal-opportunity employer, within a stimulating, professional work environment at the forefront of Green politics in Canada
Interested candidates are asked to submit a cover letter and resume to: