Organic farm interns – Quinta do Conde – Ontario

A little about us:
We are fairly new farmers with no prior knowledge of commercial farming, we are fast learners and love not being conditioned by preconceived notions. We aproach farming from an unconditioned angle.

Our 10 acre farm packs:
A two acre market garden in French intensive method growing everything from Gogi berries to heirloom polenta corn.
A six acre livestock pasture area raising chickens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, pigs and our lovely Jersey dairy cow and her calf.
Our farm is modeled after farms of 100 years ago. Farms that produced all the food that the farmers put on their dinner table. Really a kind of sustainable farming that has been almost totally lost to big Ag. We do incorporate aspects of contemporary technology to harvest rain water and irrigate by gravity.
Our kitchen is a busy place and an integral part of our operation. Here we transform a lot of our production into value added food products. Anything from basic tomato sauce to world inspired cheeses.
The farm is continuously improving, we have many infrastructure projects in various stages of development in order to increase efficiency. These are opportunities to develep skills and explore new ideas.
We love to teach what we know and share our experience. We work hard to build a resilient community and future.
More about what we do at

A little about you:
You are strong, You don’t complain that it’s only 16 degrees in the house or already 28 degrees outside. That the grass is wet in the morning or the bugs are out early. You don’t find animal manure nasty but instead you see it as a valuble resource. Digging a hole to bury an animal that died of natural causes makes you sad but knowing it lived a good life in the outdoors makes you happy.
You enjoy great food and knowing where it came from makes you feel great. Sharing, collaborating, creating are values dear to you.
You want to be part of the solution not of the problem.
Reach out, let’s talk.
