Our Top 4:
Greening the Harry Potter book series and with it revolutionizing the way books are published.
CanopyStyle – Canopy’s work with fashion brands to eliminate endangered forests from rayon clothing is the hottest thing on the runway this season!
Conserving millions of acres of forest along side environmental allies and traditional communities – including the Great Bear Rainforest Agreements where Canopy helped secure 85% of this 15 million acre rainforest as protected or off-limits to logging.
Kick-starting commercial production of Next Generation Solutions such as straw papers to revolutionize how paper, packaging & clothing is produced and their impacts on forests.
Coordinating funding proposals from beginning to end, determining deadlines and deliverables;
Supporting the proposal process by drafting templates, coordinating, compiling and tracking materials, deadlines and submission calendars;
Writing, reviewing, and editing standard content used for proposals including resumes, project highlight sheets and other supporting documents;
Research and prospecting of potential funding partners;
Maintaining a calendar of submissions and other deadlines and coordinating with the team on updates and submissions;
Participating in strategic discussions to identify best approaches to support ongoing improvements of our proposal process, stewardship of donors, and development of materials.
Do not hesitate to contact Josée at +1 418 575-9654 or email development@canopyplanet.org
Please note: between July 29th and August 16th only, you can contact Casey at +1 604 318-1134 or email development@canopyplanet.org
How To Apply in three easy steps:
In no more than six sentences tell us why Kermit the Frog was wrong in saying “It’s not easy being green”
Include a Cover Letter and CV
Email your application to development@canopyplanet.org and mark the subject line: Gold Magnet