Board Members – Various Positions – Hands-On Growing – Calgary

Time Commitment:
Board Meetings will be 2 – 3 hours every month in person or via teleconferencing. The exact timing will be determined based on the availability of the board members. In addition to attending the monthly board meetings, the Board Directors are asked to allocate an average of 10 – 20 hours per month on HOG work.

We are looking for candidates with experience in any of the following areas:
Finance, fundraising, operations management, business skills, non-profit/charity governance, organizational development, legal, knowledge of organic gardening, hydroponics, permaculture, marketing, communications, member/stakeholder engagement, human resource management.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board:
Supports HOG’s executive team based on the identified priorities of the organization in 2020-2021 including the following:
Advises on proper and organizational sustainability of HOG as an emerging nonprofit.
Play an active role in the board’s evaluation and planning efforts, including review of bylaws and other policies to ensure they are up-to-date and observed.
Supports the organization to have the funds and human resources to operate
Makes connections with other local and provincial groups

Responsibilities of Individual Board Members:
Preparation for board meeting participation; Attend minimum 80% of Board meetings in person or by teleconference
Take an active role in developing educational program of HOG e.g. curriculum integration, developing training modules for volunteers, etc.
Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information
Review reports and meeting minutes and be prepared to discuss them
Actively represent HOG in the community as ambassadors
Commit and be accountable to playing a role in new fundraising activities (e.g. make introductions, open doors, enlist new donors, etc)
Fulfilling action items as decided on the Board meetings.
Corresponding by email on a timely matter and voting in electronic motions

Legal Responsibilities
Directors manage the business of Hands-On Growing according to the Alberta Companies Act. This is in particular in regard to the registration of mortgages and to keeping registers of directors and members; in addition, they keep account of mailing of forms of proxy and information circulars, and to filing with the Registrar an annual report, and copies of special and other resolutions, and of any change in the registered office or of directors. The directors will also be accountable for the Minute book and the seal.

Charitable Priority
Currently Hands-On Growing is a non-profit organization. We are looking to register as a charity under Government of Alberta’s charitable registration status as specified under the Charitable Fundraising Act this year. The board will work toward achieving these priorities namely:
Registering with CRA as a charitable status
Creating solicitation materials toward getting charitable status.
Interested parties will need to register as members of Hands on Growing to be able to serve on the board.

How to Apply:
If you are interested in becoming a Board Member, please send your resume and a personal statement indicating your relevant interests and qualifications.
Applications can be submitted to until July 31, 2020 .
