Bilingual Receptionist/Administrative Assistant – Green Party of Canada Fund – Ottawa

About Us
The Green Party of Canada was founded in 1983 and begins with the basic premise that all life on the planet is interconnected and that humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world. The Green Party of Canada, like its provincial counterparts, supports green economics, progressive social planning and responsible and accountable governance.
Green Parties around the world share common values. The policies of the Green Party of Canada are based on six fundamental principles: Non-Violence, Sustainability, Social Justice, Ecological Wisdom, Participatory Democracy and Respect for Diversity.
Learn more about us by visiting our website at:
You have the ability to think quickly on your feet, prioritize and adapt to changing deadlines while maintaining a high level of customer service. You will be the first point of contact for many as you answer the telephone and greet visitors, therefore your interpersonal skills must be second to none. Your passion for, and knowledge of, green issues and politics, energize you and you share our common values. Your previous experience either working or volunteering for a political party at the municipal, provincial or federal level provides you with a good understanding of our day-to-day operations.

Key areas of responsibility:
Answering the telephone and greeting visitors
Processing and following up on donations and memberships
Updating and maintaining donor and member records in the Green Party database
Reconciling monthly donations received through Paypal, EFT, credit card, etc.
Preparing bank deposits
Handling, triaging and responding to correspondence
Processing incoming and outgoing mail/courier packages
Purchasing office supplies and equipment
Other clerical tasks as required
Task time management:
45% correspondence (mostly email)
25% administration (including donation processing)
20% reception
10% other

Bilingualism (English/French written/spoken) is required
Excellent attention to detail, including fast and accurate data entry skills, particularly with numerical information
Previous experience using customer relationship management systems and databases, such as CiviCRM
General understanding of Google Docs and/or MS Office
Ability to multitask, prioritize and work effectively in a fast-paced environment
Strong written and verbal communication skills
At least 1 year of experience in a similar role

Please submit a cover letter and resume to clearly indicating how you meet the requirements for this position.
