Recreation / Physical Activity Coordinator – Town of Parrsboro – Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

Position Scope
The Recreation and Physical Activity Coordinator is a professional position which works collaboratively with other agencies and community organizations to lead the implementation of the physical activity and recreation strategy for the Town of Parrsboro. Consistent with that strategy, the Coordinator will provide leadership for the planning, supervision, implementation, management and evaluation of recreation services in the Town of Parrsboro. The Coordinator works closely with volunteers and other organizations to promote healthy living and sustainable recreational opportunities for all.

The Recreation and Physical Activity Coordinator reports directly to the C.A.O.

A degree in Recreation, Community Development, Human Kinetics, Health Promotion, or relevant degree in addition to related experience that demonstrates the abilities required to perform the duties of the position is preferred.

The candidate should possess strengths in leadership, community development, written and verbal communication, strategic planning, programming, research, marketing, evaluation and administration. The candidate will have good knowledge and understanding of municipal administration, management and operations.

The Recreation & Physical Activity Coordinator is expected to maintain an in-depth knowledge of recreation and physical activity practices and trends, as well as community-based organizations and resources.

Hours of Work
Normally Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm; some evenings and weekends would be required.

Duties and Responsibilities
The following list is intended to illustrate the nature of responsibility for this position.   The Municipality reserves the right to assign additional related duties and functions as needs are identified and change over time.

Coordinate the implementation of Parrsboro’s Physical Activity and Recreation Strategy.
Conduct community needs assessments to determine recreational needs consistent with the strategy.
Directly or in cooperation with other community organizations, develop and implement an ongoing program of recreation and healthy living activities including a summer program.
Consistent with the Strategy, identify, research, plan, implement, evaluate and document sustainable healthy living and recreational opportunities for residents.
Develop networks and form partnerships with other government levels, municipalities, and community organizations to promote and provide healthy living and recreational opportunities.
Coordinate or support the planning, development, operations and maintenance of Municipal recreation facilities.
Promote and increase access to quality and safe facilities and spaces for physical activity.
Maintain accurate records of work activities including monthly reports to council.
Strengthen community awareness with respect to available recreational resources within the Town.
Educate residents about the benefits of recreation and active and healthy living.
Actively participate in county-wide and regional initiatives to promote recreation and physical activity opportunities.
Coordinate volunteer recognition initiatives.
Act as an advisor/consultant to community volunteer organizations/agencies.
Coordinate and facilitate opportunities for relevant volunteer training through workshops, clinics, etc.
Develop, review, revise and implement policies, by-laws, procedures, and operation plans pertaining to recreation facilities and open spaces owned by the Town.
Develop risk management plans for Town – owned recreation facilities, parks and playgrounds for both public safety and the safety of staff.
Coordinate and implement appropriate marketing incentives and social marketing techniques to promote active living, recreation facilities and recreation programs.
Develop monitoring and evaluation tools to regularly measure efforts related to capacity building, public awareness, programming and active transportation.
Develop networks with local media personnel to promote all services.
Act in a planning and advisory capacity in the acquisition and development of future recreation land.

Salary Scale
Based on qualifications and experience.

Application Deadline is 4:30pm on Monday, January 11th, 2016

Applicants are to submit a covering letter and detailed resume to:

Raymond Hickey, CAO
Town of Parrsboro
P.O. Box 400
Parrsboro, NS
B0M 1S0
(902) 254-2036
