Job Overview:
BC Parks Foundation’s mission is to enhance and pass on the legacy of BC’s world-class parks system so that it flourishes forever. At BCPF, WildCAM is part of the Wildlife Forever program, which uses various data collection methods, including remote wildlife cameras, eDNA and citizen science initiatives, to grow our understanding of the state of B.C.’s parks, help inform management decisions and engage a critical network of park stewards throughout the province.
BC Parks Foundation works closely with WildCo Lab at UBC. Research in the WildCo Lab is motivated by the fundamental question of how best to conserve, manage, and restore biodiversity in a rapidly changing, human-dominated world. The research aims to be grounded in ecological principles and quantitative rigour, while incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives that are a critical part of conservation science.
The WildCAM network ( is a community of practice to facilitate collaborative analysis of wildlife camera data. WildCAM helps community groups and Indigenous partners answer questions about wildlife throughout B.C. (and beyond) with camera trapping projects, by providing resources to create partnerships, plan projects and analyze results.
Remote camera science has become a major tool for wildlife monitoring and research around the world, with incredible potential to collect masses of data on flora and fauna across the province. Remote camera data has the capacity to powerfully inform and improve stewardship in B.C. Standardization, coordination, and synthesis of wildlife camera surveys is an active and rapidly growing area, with multiple groups working to improve effectiveness.
This role will support, advance, and enrich the WildCAM network, faciliating large scale collaboration.
Key Activities
Create, coordinate and provide in-person and/or virtual training, resources, and opportunities for membership and community (particularly Indigenous) partners
Coordinate WildCAM projects to facilitate large-scale analyses
Design and implement projects on BCPF and partner lands
Organize, attend and/or facilitate network meetings and community outreach events (virtual or in-person)
Advance the rigorous collection and use of wildlife data from wildlife cameras in a manner that supports wildlife management in British Columbia.
Outreach to existing and prospective network members, including relationship development or continuation with Indigenous, government, community, academic, industry, and other partners
Required qualifications:
Proven experience in community outreach and engagement, including experience working with Indigenous peoples
Advanced degree or equivalent experience, associated research experience, and sufficient technical background in conservation science
Proficiency in handling wildlife monitoring data and in large-scale analyses, including proficiency in R
Strong communication and networking skills
Well-versed in conservation and land management topics in B.C.
Passionate about conservation and stewardship
Experience in the charitable sector, especially grant writing and general fundraising, is an asset
All employees may carry out a range of functions beyond their core roles.
To apply,
send a cover letter and resume to before May 16, 2022.